Proven. Time tested. De-risked. Trusted.
Endorsed by consumers and professionals for for almost 20 years
Proven. Time tested. De-risked. Trusted.
Endorsed by consumers and professionals for for almost 20 years
An estimated 55.8 million people age 65 and up live in the US. This age group has high homeownership: 4 in 5 seniors own their home.
Inevitable life events compel the decision to sell the senior’s home: declining mobility, major health events, losing a partner, financial difficulties, the need for care, and more.
Yet the home sale process seniors experience is plagued by stress, physical labor, deadlines, and often untenable out-of-pocket expenses. This overwhelms the senior and their family, and the result can be a painful and traumatic selling journey.
SASH Services created an innovative home sale service that has revolutionized this experience for seniors and their families. Founded in 2005, and iterated, proven, and de-risked over the years, the SASH business model is now ready to scale nationwide.
We’re looking for a company with integrity, resources, infrastructure, and vision to provide our proprietary services to seniors and their families everywhere.

This website offers a summary of the opportunity available to lead this industry across the US.
Our recipe works. Our clients love what we do. We think you’ll love it too. Welcome to SASH. :)

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